© J. Faure
I am a permanent research scientist (CR1 CNRS, Section 7, CID 53) at the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics of the Sorbonne Université, Paris, working in the AGATHE team. I was previously working as an associate researcher at the Human Robotics Group, Dept. of Bioengineering, Imperial College London under the supervision of Pr. E. Burdet. I received my HDR from Sorbonne Université in 2022, my PhD from UPMC in 2011, an M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from Arts et Métiers ParisTech and an M.Sc. in Robotics from UPMC, both in 2006.
My research projects aim at understanding and improving the physical Human-Robot interaction (pHRi) for neuromotor rehabilitation and assistance applications (especially for the upper-limb) to further embodiment of technological devices. I am especially interested in the natural control of wearable or interacting mechatronic devices (exoskeletons, prosthetics, instrumented interfaces, cobots), the physical coupling between robotic devices and the human body and the analysis of human sensorimotor control and interactive behaviours. I am also concerned by the Ethical, Legal and Societal (ELS) issues in medical and assistive robotics.
Additionally, I am a member of the Corps & Prothèses interdisciplinary collective, and the manager of the Team Smart ArM (SAM) participating to the Cybathlon competitions.
Colloque "Mettre la vie en jeu", Institut français Centre Saint-Louis, Rome
Colloque de clôture TESaCo - Académie des scieces morales et politiques
Colloque «Handicaps et sciences du mouvement sportif», Institut de France-Académie des sciences
Le corps réparé. Séminaire Médecine-Humanités de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure
Viva Technology 2019 world fair, Paris.
2019 Congress of Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sion